From the respones I gather here, the $3 CBD surcharge is just to
compensate or reimbursed TD in a limited way after deducting all
the ERP charges from them which can ended up usually more than
For the earlier part (5 to 8pm), this surcharge may ot be even
enough to over the cost of the ERP and drivers still have to endure
high traffic and long queue and what takes only 3 mins to get to in
other time slot, might takes up to even 5 times to get to the
With this, is it still worth it to enter the CBD zone at this
time or as Poolman says, he can easily get the total net worth of
his meter reading just queueing at LOT1 cos no ERP deductions.
That's the purpose of my thread cos if this is so, the $3
surcharge the government is "giving" us doesn't work to bring taxi
in at that time when it's most needed.
On the other hand, after 8pm, more Taxi are available as no ERP
charges by that time and the TD can get the maximum value of that
"reward" for coming in. This make it worth the while for coming
The current scheme only serve to re-imburse TD, not fully, for
the lost, I am thinking a incentive might works better.
Because of my more relax working habit, I used to enter the CBD
around 7.30 or 8 but lately because of "money no enough" I start
work a little bit earlier and instead of getting motivated by
"early bird catches the worms" or higher earning, I really get
pissed off by so much ERP charges which in the end, ended up
Now I just ply on the outskirt or wait to find pax to pay for my
ERP charges.