Originally posted by Zirofour:huh....didn't know taxi company will have chio bu!! Anyway from outside of the cab saw some "chio bu driver" face look ok, but don't know body how?
hello , u know singapore law taxi drivers all must be over30 then
can drive ?
so what do you reckon auntie over 30 ?
shape like Victoria Adams must spent millions one .
ask david beckham lor .
singapore got chio bu auntie taxi drivers ?
i so far haven't seen any , but heard many saw a few .
Some seen from behind , good , then when infront , worst then changi ap , surrender .
Some seen starting from legs , good , slowly move up see the tummy sian liao , will surely stop at tummy .
Most taxi aunties are either here too big , or the other side too big .
Some either here too small or there too small .